Setting Boundaries in Addiction

Setting healthy boundaries is key to having good relationships when in recovery.

With regard to addiction, boundaries often become distorted. A part of setting healthy boundaries is knowing what you're comfortable with and what you want to protect. Once you have recognized and clarified these values you can establish healthy boundaries. Breaking the most important areas into groups may help an individual to recognize their limits and set healthy boundaries.

Emotional Boundaries

Recognize what you are comfortable sharing with certain people. You may feel more comfortable sharing things with certain individuals but not others. Recognize where your comfort zones lie and act accordingly. It can be helpful to let your inner feelings guide your actions in this type of situation.

Physical Boundaries

Set your physical boundaries and recognize what your comfort zone is. Communicate openly if someone is violating your physical boundaries. Completely open communication is the best way for other individuals to know where you stand.

Spiritual Boundaries

Decide what spiritual path fits your lifestyle and beliefs. Communicate openly if you feel other’s beliefs or spiritual values are being imposed upon you. Understanding your own spirituality will help you to grow in every facet of your life.

Fiscal Boundaries

Know where you stand financially and where you are comfortable sharing or lending your assets. Do not be timid to say no if you do not feel comfortable.

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