
Co-dependency is a behavior that sometimes is classified as a "relationship addiction". It is an unhealthy obsession with a relationship in which the co-dependent partner becomes dependent on the other even if the relationship is toxic or abusive. It is most commonly referenced when someone has a relationship with a loved one or spouse who is in active addiction.

Co-dependent relationships deter the possibility to have a meaningful and healthy relationship. Co-dependent people have good intentions but are not living a healthy life. They may try to take care of the addict or alcoholic they are involved with or "save" them from their addiction. They can develop addictions of their own or compulsive behaviors. Even if the person they have a relationship with is abusive or mistreating them they may not separate themselves from that individual. They are almost entirely dependent on that relationship and become oblivious to what is really going on. They enable the addict or alcoholic. This can make a situation worse than it already is.

Some might be in denial that they are co-dependent and claim that they just care, but being involved in a co-dependent relationship only harms both parties involved. Non-addicts who are co-dependent with an addict may become just as addicted to the relationship as the addict is to alcohol or drugs. This relationship can also have a broader affect and push other family members or loved ones away. Loved ones begin to takes sides and separate from the unity and support that is necessary.

 This is why therapy is so important. It can help identify a co-dependent relationship and teach the non-addict exactly what has been transpiring. Without counseling, the co-dependent person may never have otherwise realized their part in what has been going on. Not only do addicts need to recover, but so do those who surround the addict. It is a family disease in which all need to be educated and healed accordingly.

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